All specifications are approximations, and are subject to verification.
“On Our Floor now, can be inspected Under powered, in full working condition.”
Equipped With:
- MSG-803 CNC Control
- HIGH torque spindle
- MEMORY Card Slot
- Chip Conveyor
Max Turning Diameter: 430 mm
Max Turning Length: 560 mm
Max Bar Capacity: 2.2″
Swing Over Slide: 462 mm
Swing Over Bed: 510 mm
X Axis Travel: 243 mm
Z Axis Travel: 610 mm
Rapid Traverse X Axis: 20,000 mm/m
Rapid Traverse Z Axis: 24,000 mm/m
Spindle Nose: A2-6
Spindle Bore: 68 mm
Spindle Speed: 3,500 RPM
Spindle Motor: 11/15 kVa
Turret Capacity: 10 Stations hydraulic turret
Turret Index Time: 0.2 Second
Quill - MT #4
Dimensions: Floor Space (L x W x H) 78" x76" x 72"
Weight : 4,000 Kgs Approx.